Chapter Programs
Chapter Programs
The SIOR Foundation is pleased to support commercial real estate education and is proud to provide funding to match SIOR Chapter Scholarships Program and Educational initiatives that enhance and expand the commercial real estate industry at the local level.
SIOR Chapter Matching Scholarship Program
SIOR Chapters can apply for up to $10,000, to be divided among two or more universities, for scholarships to students in undergraduate and graduate real estate and business-related degree programs. The match is limited to $6,000 per university.
Scholarship grants can also be used to award:
• $2,000 in matching scholarships to commercial real estate professionals for continuing education; or
• $2,000 in matching funds to supplement education grants for chapter expenses in programs in commercial real estate education.
Leverage SIOR Foundation Matching Scholarship funds by creating or expanding on existing university relationship/s to double the number and/or amount of scholarships awarded to students studying commercial real estate. For information on how your chapter can initiate a program providing up to $24,000 in scholarships, click here.
SIOR Chapter Matching Programs Grant
The SIOR Foundation will match up to $2,500 for chapter speaker-related expenses for programs on commercial real estate education that benefit SIOR members and the local commercial real estate community. *Add $2,000 from available scholarship funds and increase the amount to $4,500!
SIOR Small Chapter Development Program
To assist small SIOR chapters in providing continuing education to its members and to help with increasing their membership, the SIOR Foundation has developed the Small Chapter Development Program. This program provides qualifying chapters with up to $5000 as an UNMATCHED grant to sponsor an event that will educate its members as well as interest other professionals in their local market; offering chapters the opportunity to earn revenue by charging admission and at the same time market the benefits of joining SIOR.
Student Real Estate Experience Program
The SIOR Foundation will provide up to $4000 per chapter annually in matching grants for chapters to mentor and sponsor students to attend SIOR global, regional, and chapter conferences, at no cost to the student. The Student Real Estate Experience Program promotes the commercial real estate industry to potential professionals as they begin exploring their career path.
*All chapter applications must be received no later than August 31 for awards and programs that occurred within the fiscal year of September 1-August 31. Grants are awarded to chapters on a first come-first served basis.